Audio Review by the International Clarinet AssociationTwo of a Kind. Radovan Cavallin, clarinet; Kristine Dizon, clarinet. G. Lewin: Two of a Kind; Views of the Blues; F. Poulenc: Sonata for Two Clarinets, FP 7; N. Bacri: Mondorf Sonatina No. 1; P. Harvey: Satiric Suite; R.R. Bennett: Crosstalk; E. Mandat: Ritual; B. Cabrera: Una sobre el mismo mar; N. Díaz: Ocho Pajazzadas; Roque Nublo. Modern Artist Project. Total Time: 56:00.
There is so much new and wonderful music for two clarinets that pushes the boundaries of composers and performers, and with that the proliferation of ensembles ready to tackle the new stuff. The duo of Cavallin and Dizon throw their hat into the ring with Two of a Kind, an album of recent music for two clarinets. Their performance at the 2023 Denver ClarinetFest® was enthusiastically received, and many of the works they played in Denver appear on this album. Radovan Cavallin, principal clarinet of the Orquesta Filarmonica de Gran Canaria, pairs up with Kristine Dizon, CEO of the Modern Artist Project and co-founder of the Gran Canaria International Clarinet Festival and the American Single Reed Summit. Their performances throughout this album are uniformly excellent. Gordon Lewin’s works for two clarinets come from an intimate knowledge of the instrument and a penchant for humor. Two of a Kind showcases the jazzy side of the clarinet, and the album finale Views of the Blues is a perfect vehicle of fun for both players. Video performances of these pieces demonstrate Cavallin’s full embrace of the high-note life and Dizon’s confident support. Their Poulenc has finely shaped dynamics and tapers, with some second movement subtleties among the best playing on the album. Dizon has championed the works of Nicolas Bacri, a prolific contemporary French composer. The counterpoint and echo techniques in the first movement of his Mondorf Sonatina No. 1 were spot on, and this is a piece that deserves more performances. Harvey’s Satiric Suite is appropriately titled. His clarinet music is tongue-in-cheek with a touch of sarcasm. Richard Rodney Bennett’s solo clarinet works are familiar to many, and Crosstalk continues his creative use of our instrument. An album of contemporary works must include an Eric Mandat work to show the instrument’s vast possibilities. The open intervals and slow pace of Ritual make a lovely contrast to the bravura playing in the other pieces. Cavallin and Dizon would be remiss without including a few pieces written by composers with connections to the Canary Islands. Cabrera’s Una sobre el mismo mar is one of the most recognizable and heartwarming songs of the region, and it is a fitting tribute to the popular composer. Dizon has also premiered works by the clarinetist and publisher Nino Díaz. The Ocho Pajazzadas are charming little vignettes with gentle touches of jazz that are great fun. The calliope movement and the “Putting on the Ritz”-inspired movement are particularly effective. The duo is presenting the first recording of Díaz’s Roque Nublo, a wonderful piece wrapping up the Canary Islands portion of the program. As someone who still uses a CD player—yes, I am clearly in the minority—the one thing the CD packaging lacked was a numbered delineation of tracks for each piece; only the piece and overall timing was listed. I am sure that reading the tracks on streaming services makes this problem obsolete for those who prefer the digital downloads. However, listening to it from the CD I wasn’t sure what movement belonged to which piece. A very small oversight on an otherwise excellent project. Two of a Kind is an excellent album of works for two clarinets. Cavallin and Dizon are in fine form and for those who want to venture into this repertoire, this is a fine representation of what this genre can yield. – Osiris Molina |